I Feel Fine. Do I Still Need an Annual Physical?

I Feel Fine. Do I Still Need an Annual Physical?

Annual physical exams are yearly appointments with your primary care provider that cover a lot of information about your health. Every 12 months or so, you schedule an annual physical to touch base with your physician about your health and wellness. 

These routine visits might seem to make more sense if you have pressing questions or concerns about your health, but they’re just as important when you feel fine and don’t have any current worries. 

Board-certified internist and cardiologist Jeffrey Graf, MD, can help you stay current with annual physicals at his private practice on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City. Dr. Graf encourages you to visit for an annual physical even if you feel well so you can track your health and keep up with important preventive care such as screenings and vaccinations. 

The benefits of an annual physical

Getting an annual exam can be beneficial even if you have no symptoms to report. Although some current research suggests annual physicals have little to no bearings on overall health outcomes, you have plenty to gain from a yearly exam. Annual physicals offer:

The ability to track your health and wellness

Are you the record-keeper of your household? Whether or not you’re a persistent note-taker, an annual physical helps you track your health over time.

When you track your health with annual physicals, you can observe trends and changes in factors like your blood pressure and weight. By keeping a record of your health, you and Dr. Graf can more easily identify subtle changes that may suggest evolving health needs.

Earlier intervention of chronic illness

In some cases, subtle changes in your health parameters indicate early signs of chronic disease. Annual physicals make it easier to identify symptomless conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which can lead to earlier intervention and more effective treatment. 

Updated screenings and preventive care

Health screenings are medical tests that check for specific diseases before they cause symptoms. Dr. Graf can tell you which screenings can benefit you based on your age, family history, and other risk factors. 

By booking annual physicals each year, you can stay up-to-date on necessary screenings for certain cancers, osteoporosis, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Annual physicals also help you stay current on vaccinations to prevent specific infections. 

Personalized health and wellness recommendations

Annual physicals encourage you to stay in touch with your doctor. Using information gathered during a physical exam, Dr. Graf can provide personalized health and wellness advice so you can adjust your lifestyle with confidence. You can also ask questions related to your health and receive detailed, individualized answers. 

Annual exams help you maintain a strong relationship with your doctor which can help you feel more comfortable expressing concerns that are difficult or awkward to discuss. 

Getting ready for your next annual physical

Whether you’ve always been diligent about annual physicals or you want to be more proactive about them now, we can help you prepare and know what to expect. If you’re a new patient at Jeffrey H. Graf, MD, be prepared to provide a detailed medical history including information about diseases that may run in your family. You should also bring: 

During the exam, you can expect:

Dr. Graf may recommend additional tests based on your known medical needs and the exam’s findings. He can also update or prescribe medications if you need them. 

Even if you feel fine, your health benefits greatly from this annual check-in with your physician. And a concierge membership allows for expanded annual physicals. Find out more at Jeffrey H. Graf, MD. To book your next exam, call our office today.

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