Is Diabetes Reversible?

Is Diabetes Reversible?

Diabetes, a metabolic illness with several different varieties, can affect you for years, decades, or even your entire life. The answer to the question of whether diabetes is reversible isn’t so clear-cut, because it depends on the type of diabetes you have. 

With weight management solutions and other treatments from top-ranked physician Jeffrey H. Graf, MD, at his office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York, you may be able to get your diabetes under control, and even put it into remission. 

While completely eliminating the condition may not be fully possible, you can still experience great improvements with a prescription diet, behavioral counseling, and other healthy tactics. Whether your diabetes diagnosis is old or new, there’s plenty to learn about what to expect for the future of your condition. 

Type 1 diabetes is with you for life

Type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed during childhood and is an autoimmune disease. This means it stems from a malfunction of your immune system. 

More specifically, the immune system of a person with Type 1 diabetes wrongly attacks the cells in your pancreas that produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that controls the level of glucose (sugar) in your bloodstream by facilitating its transfer into cells for energy. 

Unfortunately, there’s no way to manage Type 1 diabetes without taking insulin every day because your body can’t make or use its own. When you follow a healthy lifestyle plan, however, you can greatly lower your risk for life-altering diabetes complications like neuropathy, vision loss, and limb amputation. 

You can control your Type 2 diabetes

If you have Type 2 diabetes, your pancreas can, in fact, produce insulin. The main underlying problem of Type 2 diabetes is that your body can’t use that insulin efficiently. This may be due to physical inactivity, dietary factors, or other influences. 

Roughly 90%-95% of all people with diabetes have Type 2, which is good news if you’re searching for answers to the question of whether you can reverse the condition. While you can’t fully cure Type 2 diabetes, it’s possible for the condition to go into remission so you can avoid taking medications for it. 

The key to managing Type 2 diabetes, reducing symptoms, and avoiding complications is to adopt a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise and a balanced diet that helps you avoid blood sugar spikes. It’s important to lose excess pounds and keep extra weight off. Medical weight loss with Dr. Graf can help you achieve your goals.

It’s important to keep in mind that phases of remission aren’t necessarily permanent and your symptoms may eventually return. Still, you might enjoy symptomless diabetes for years if you maintain a healthy weight and good diet and exercise habits. 

What does it mean if you have prediabetes?

If you’ve been told that you have prediabetes, it means you’re well on your way to developing Type 2 diabetes. In this phase, the condition is indeed reversible. You must adopt healthy habits — including a balanced, low calorie diet and exercise — right away to get your weight under control and to promote a healthy body. 

Even if you can’t avoid Type 2 diabetes after getting a prediabetes diagnosis, you may be able to delay its onset and minimize your symptoms by taking action early. 

Ready to learn more?

Jeffrey H. Graf offers concierge medical care that includes individualized diabetes management. Schedule your evaluation and treatment consultation by phone or online anytime.

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